Clear Braces

About this treatment

If you’re looking for a fast and discreet way to straighten your teeth, clear braces could be the perfect option for you. Clear braces align the front teeth within six months using a series of custom made clear aligners.

Clear braces are popular as they offer fast results, without disruption to everyday life. A popular alternative to traditional train track braces, this straightening system is ideal for those with a crowded smile or teeth that stick out or tilt backwards.

Your dentist will review treatment progress fortnightly, and will replace your aligners in order to guide your teeth towards the desired end position.

man with clear aligner

Questions about this treatment

Clear braces are a fantastic option for anyone who wants to straighten their teeth quickly and discreetly. They are a great alternative to traditional metal braces, and the aligners are comfortable as they are custom made to fit your teeth.

Clear braces align a smile within six months, but results can be seen quicker depending on the case.

Alaska House Dental Practice offers a number of teeth straightening options including Invisalign, Quick Straight Teeth and Inman Aligner. To discover which is the best option for you, we invite you to book a teeth straightening consultation with a member of our friendly team.

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